What is check valve

 What is check valve

A check valve is a type of valve which only permits flow in one direction. These valves are often designed for safety reasons, to prevent backflow and to ensure that someone operating a system knows which direction fluids and gases are flowing in. Check valves can also be used for tasks like creating leak tight seals, which can be an important safety or convenience future. They are also used for the routine task of directing fluids or gases efficiently through a system.

Also known as a one way valve or a nonreturn valve, a check valve can work in a number of ways. One of the most common styles is the ball valve, made by mounting a ball over a disc with a small hole in it. Liquid or gas can flow through the hole and around the ball, but when it tries to push the other way, it shoes the ball up against the disc, creating a seal. Other styles include clapper, swing, and diaphragm check valves, each designed for varying applications.
